Relationship between lithium carbonate and the risk of Parkinson-like events in patients with bipolar disorders: A multivariate analysis using the Japanese adverse drug event report database

database[Title] 2022-07-01

Psychiatry Res. 2022 Jun 19;314:114687. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2022.114687. Online ahead of print.


The present study attempted to identify risk factors for Parkinson-like events using the Japanese adverse drug event report database. A total of 3521 patients with bipolar disorders were extracted from the database, and Parkinson-like events were detected in 111 (3.15%) using the standardized Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities queries. A multiple logistic regression analysis identified age ≥50 years and the use of sodium valproate or aripiprazole as risk factors. Lithium carbonate was not associated with an increased risk of Parkinson-like events, but was related to these events in patients taking sodium valproate.

PMID:35751996 | DOI:10.1016/j.psychres.2022.114687