Akademischer Ansatz zum strukturierten Austausch von Inhalten und Metainformationen über die Herstellungs- und Distributionsprozesse von Open-Access-Publikationen

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-09-02


Research report "Academic approach to the structured exchange of content and meta-information about the production and distribution processes of open access publications"

Abstract "The communication of scientific texts and their metadata in workflows for the creation of Open Access publications is a current topic of discussion in the media landscape and the subject of this research report. Based on the fact that there are many different approaches to standardization in the field for different parts of the overall workflow, it can be concluded on the one hand that almost all metadata terms have already undergone a standardization process, but on the other hand that this has led to a great heterogeneity of the existing standards and quasi-standards. These already have intersections, but there is not one metadata set that contains all the necessary metadata elements. However, the interface problems of the infrastructures involved in the overall workflow could be reduced by such a set. The research report discusses two approaches to a solution. On the one hand, the approach of a general metadata standard that contains all metadata elements is examined; on the other hand, the concept of a virtual super-standard is presented as preferred solution, where various metadata instances can be integrated in a communication system utilizing a container format. This academic approach is to be understood as a nucleus for developing a dynamic communication structure, which can be further enhanced in a community of users, such as libraries and university publishers, with service providers and academic project participants."



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Date tagged:

09/02/2024, 04:25

Date published:

09/02/2024, 00:25