Grant Linking System (GLS) - Crossref

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-11-21


"The Crossref Grant Linking System (GLS) is a service for research funders to contribute to open science infrastructure. As members of Crossref, funders create unique links and open metadata about their support of all kinds, from financial grants to prizes to use of facilities. This metadata is distributed at scale openly and globally and the unique links are acknowledged in any outputs of the funding, such as publications, preprints, data and code - in order to streamline the reporting process."



11/20/2024, 23:15

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป Hanna_S's bookmarks

Tags: oa.crossref oa.infrastructure oa.funders oa.metadata oa.pids oa.publishers oa.open_science

Date tagged:

11/21/2024, 04:15

Date published:

11/14/2024, 23:15