» The way academic publishing should be 2014-07-30


"Today, our most recent paper got published, before traditional peer-review, at F1000 Research. The research is about how nominally identical fly stocks can behave completely differently even if tested by the same person in the same lab in the same test ... As replicability is also one of the issues of this paper, we decided to make the entire process of the paper as transparent as possible: not only is the paper published open access, it is also published before traditional peer-review. The ensuing peer-review will then be made open such that everyone can see what was changed in the process. The different versions of the paper will also remain accessible. Only after our paper has passed regular peer-review, will it be listed in the major indices, such as PubMed ..."


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Tags: oa.comment oa.peer_review oa.f1000research oa.reproducibility oa.journals

Date tagged:

07/30/2014, 08:31

Date published:

07/30/2014, 04:31