Data citation is becoming real with FORCE11 and Elsevier 2016-02-18


" ... By partnering with organizations like Force11 — a community of scholars, librarians, archivists, publishers and research funders – we’ve been able to lead the way in this very important space. Publication and citation are accepted by the scholarly community as the principal way of acknowledging the value and impact of a researcher’s contributions to the development of knowledge in their field. The practice of selecting items for publication and subsequently for citation is immensely valuable and trusted by researchers globally, but it has been difficult until now to apply it to non-traditional research output. Elsevier is committed to promoting the validation and publication of a broader spectrum of research outputs, such as data sets and software, and crediting their contributors, and we are working with many community organizations to enable the publication and citation of data across our journals and research intelligence products. We have journals for peer-reviewed data, such as Data in Brief, and we support the posting and sharing of non-peer-reviewed data on ..."


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Date tagged:

02/18/2016, 09:12

Date published:

02/18/2016, 04:12