Trending Vaccine-Related Headlines
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Comments - COVID-19 Vaccines Can Cause Sudden Cardiac Deaths: Warns Expert (Dr. Fraiman), Calls For Its Withdrawal From Market; Fraiman said that he and his team have multiple autopsy studies that provide
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/13/2023
Comments - A bug's Life; boy is this quote not applicable today! I was at HHS inside the US government with Dr. Scott Atlas banging away at the fraud NIH, HHS, CDC, Fauci, Birx etc; Fauci et al. moved to FIRE
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/14/2023
Another Pilot death?: Did Col. Michael Fugett, commander of Nevada Air Guard’s 152nd Operations Group & UNITED AIRLINES, who died on May 9th, die due to the COVID mRNA technology based gene vaccine?
All trending vaccine-related headlines 05/14/2023
Comments - What did most updated research on harms & toxicity of face masks (face diapers), blue surgical masks, white cloth masks & man-made face coverings show? That it's harmful & DEADLY! N95 better? No!
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/14/2023
Why didn't the FDA under the Biden administration demand & require any COVID mRNA technology based boosters e.g. bivalent booster (Wuhan strain plus BA.4 &.5 clades) to undergo HUMAN clinical trials?
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/14/2023