Second Call for Proposals: Open Repositories 2013; Keynote Speaker | DuraSpace

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-02-03


"OR2013 2nd Call for Proposals and Keynote Announced!  This year’s Open Repositories conference takes place in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada between Monday, July 8 and Friday, July 12. Registration is now open at - register early and reserve your accommodation as soon as you can!  We are very pleased to announce that the opening keynote this year will be Victoria Stodden of Columbia University and co-founder of See more about Dr. Stodden here:  We invite you to contribute to the conference program. The deadline (Feb 22) is quickly approaching! This year’s conference theme is Use, Reuse, Reproduce. One of the most important roles of repositories is to enable greater use and reuse of their contents— whether those contents are library collections, scholarly articles, research data, or software—and metadata. The notion of use and reuse can be extended to repository infrastructure as well. Many repositories are based on open source software that can be freely reused and adapted to serve local needs; other efforts are also emerging both in conjunction with and outside traditional repository platforms to encourage discipline or community specific reuse and sharing of software, services, and infrastructure. In addition there is a growing interest and need to document and share the code and workflows used to produce research results - particularly in computationally intensive fields - in order to promote reproducible research..."


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02/03/2013, 07:54

Date published:

02/03/2013, 02:54