NRCan Report: Recommendations on Open Access Publishing - NRCan Open S&T Repository

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-04-06


Abstract:  Open Access (OA) publishing in the federal context is a multifaceted effort that is challenging to advance without thoughtful integration of several perspectives. The purpose of the Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Recommendations on Open Access Publishing is to provide NRCan senior managers with recommendations on a path forward to fulfill NRCan’s mandate and federal requirements to make science more openly accessible by concurrently considering key themes: policy and guidance; governance, communication and culture; funding and incentives; infrastructure and enablement; and education and awareness. Implementation of the recommendations will enable NRCan to move closer to its goal of OA publishing by default, while considering research security and other relevant factors, as well as demonstrate to Canadians that NRCan is committed to sharing scientific knowledge equitably for society.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.nrcan oa.canada oa.recommendations oa.policies oa.mandates

Date tagged:

04/06/2024, 09:10

Date published:

04/06/2024, 05:10