SciELO - Brasil - BrCris: desenvolvimento de ferramentas no tratamento, análise e disseminação da informação em apoio à Ciência Aberta no Brasil BrCris: desenvolvimento de ferramentas no tratamento, análise e disseminação da informação em apoio à Ciência Aberta no Brasil
peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-04-12
Abstract: Introduction:
CRIS systems constitute comprehensive information systems over the entire ecosystem of the scientific process. BrCris aims to integrate and organize information regarding research activities, projects, publications, researchers, institutions, financing and other relevant data in the Brazilian scientific context.
This study aims to discuss data processing on the BrCris Platform and analyze the computational tools used for this purpose, exploring three main approaches: data integration and consistency, visualization and validation, in addition to data certification.
The study is descriptive, presenting in detail the BrCris data processing steps, discussing the challenges encountered in handling large volumes of information. Furthermore, it describes the computational tools used to process scientific and technological information.
The study reveals the procedures for data processing and the computational tools developed for information systems, as well as the integration and analysis of the data obtained. The results of the processing and modeling of information based on VIVO, with data and graphic panels, and the opportunities for reusing the generated data are presented. The integration of data into a self-declared repository (Lattes) and the theses and dissertations aggregator repository (Oasisbr) is also detailed, culminating in the issuance of a certification seal.
The results show that the adoption of these computational tools provides easy and agile access to an extensive set of consolidated information, previously dispersed across various sources, especially due to the diversity of repositories and individual access limitations. Thus, this study presents a set of computational tools whose functionalities are aligned with the guidelines of Open Science in Brazil.