OERs for Gaza

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-04-15


"Help support students of Gaza to continue their studies by providing, recommending and describing open resources....

Universities in the West Bank are supporting the students of Gaza to continue and complete their studies. The first goal is to bring psychological support and solidarity. The second is to sustain hope for the future by offering study opportunities that can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, and with limited connectivity. The longer term goal is to enable the reconstruction of higher education in Gaza after the present devastation.

The collation of OERs is being led by the TESI project, hosted at An Najah University. OERs are made available to universities, colleges, staff and students across Palestine, and wherever students from Gaza are.
Please read the categories of OER that are requested. You will only be able to complete this form once to reduce spamming, so please be ready to list all the URLs and resources you recommend...."



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Date tagged:

04/15/2024, 09:00

Date published:

04/15/2024, 05:00