Tim McCormick, Open Access: Revolutionary Disagreements and the Global Library | Tim McCormick

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-02-07


"Imagine a single hub at which one could easily a) submit any materials to an Open Access repository, b) request items not yet available, c) resolve requests, i.e. send automatically check whether there is an available resource for a given DOI or ISBN etc.
We might call this OARReR: Open Access Repository, Requestor, & Resolver
Or perhaps OARREF.
I’ve set up Twitter handle OARReR as a tracker & reference point for this concept.
A universal repository could harvest/index from other repositories. Also, it could provide a streamlined way to submit a preprint, summary or other best-available version of an article or book or other work, and associate this with the “version of record” identifier — e.g. Digital Object Identifier DOI, or ISBN.
Building on the #PDFtribute activity, we might think how to build to simplest and most universally-accessible repository interfaces possible....
In a way this is like a whole micro-publishing system, based on simple elements. With a check-in, metadata control, identifier assignment, dissemination, metrics (tracks what gets rt-ed etc.) it actually might do automatically many of the things we think of “publishers” doing. Or wish they’d do..
By tweeting a URL (or other resource like data set) the submittor is actually doing an repository submission, in a very lightweight way. That is, they’re marking the referenced item for harvesting...."



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Date tagged:

02/07/2013, 14:12

Date published:

02/07/2013, 09:12