Athena Unbound? Why and How Scholarly Knowledge Should Be Free for all Tickets, Tue 14 May 2024 at 15:30 | Eventbrite

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-04-30


"We are delighted to co-host this University of Hull and Knowledge Equity Network guest lecture from Peter Baldwin, Distinguished Professor of History at UCLA, California.

Professor Baldwin is trustee of the New York Public Library and of the Arcadia Fund, which supports work to protect endangered cultural heritage. He is uniquely placed as an academic, a philanthropist and public intellectual, to provide stimulating, profound and often controversial views on one of the most important matters facing scholars and information professionals today in the rapidly changing digital word: to what extent and in what ways should scholarly knowledge be freely accessible both inside and especially outside the academy.

In his broad ranging new book. Professor Baldwin, drawing on a wealth of intellectual and practical experience, makes a strong argument why scholarly knowledge should be as free as possible for all people to access. He takes direct aim at publishers, academics, information professionals, and policy-makers of all kinds in entertaining and provocative polemics. His work, and his views, are an essential primer on the global open access movement, focusing on the humanities and social sciences but with lessons for scholarship in all fields.

The lecture will be followed by a panel discussion, chaired by Wilberforce Institute Director, Professor Trevor Burnard. Our panellists are Dr Harriet Deacon, Lecturer in AI Ethics at the University of Hull; Dr Reggie Raju, Director of Research & Learning at the University of Cape Town (joining us online) and Professor Graham Dutfield from the School of Law at the University of Leeds...."


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Date tagged:

04/30/2024, 15:00

Date published:

04/30/2024, 11:00