Understanding trust and distrust in public data infrastructures as socio-technical systems

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-05-11


"In the landscape of (Open) Science, the discourse on trust has been a cornerstone of discussions, emphasizing the importance of fostering reliability and credibility within scientific practices. However, I advocate for a view that extends beyond the emphasis on trust and to consider dynamics of mistrust and distrust in public data infrastructures. This proposal is rooted in the recognition that infrastructures, as complex socio-technical systems, not only facilitate the flow of information but can also act as recipients of system trust or system distrust.

While existing research has predominantly examined trust in data repositories and public infrastructures (Yakel et al., 2013; Donaldson, 2015; Yoon and Lee, 2019), the ongoing doctoral research presented in this talk shifts attention towards the dimensions of distrust and mistrust. Informed by infrastructure studies, it emphasizes the embeddedness of scientific infrastructures within political contexts. The central question revolves around understanding how individuals distinguish between their distrust in a political system and their attitudes towards the infrastructures embedded within that system. 

In the context of (Open) Science infrastructures, the concept of system trust as a notion of trust in socio-technical systems is important. System trust encapsulates the confidence and reliance placed in the overall functionality and dependability of complex systems (Luhmann, 1979; Giddens, 1990; Möllering, 2001). As users engage with infrastructures, their trust in the system plays a pivotal role in shaping their interactions and decisions. It is conceivable to view trust in public data infrastructures as a manifestation of system trust, reflecting users' confidence in the system's ability to securely and effectively handle information. However, the question arises: can system distrust be theorized when trust in these infrastructures falters or wavers?..."



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Date tagged:

05/11/2024, 10:06

Date published:

05/11/2024, 06:06