European Commission Action Plan highlights the role of GraspOS in advancing the research assessment reform - GraspOS

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-05-17


"The recent Action Plan by the Commission to implement the ten commitments of the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment (ARRA) recognises the GraspOS project as one of the particularly relevant initiatives to advance the research assessment reform. 

The Action Plan, published in  outlines the ten commitments contained in the ARRA*, highlighting ongoing EC actions to address each commitment, with plans to further their implementation in the next Framework Program for Research and Innovation (FP10). 

The Commission has already taken steps to integrate a more comprehensive set of evaluation criteria into the Horizon Europe main Work Programme, assessing Open Science practices, gender considerations, and diverse research outputs. Looking at the future, the Commission has outlined a series of steps to further support and advance research assessment reform. This includes identifying potential improvements in evaluation criteria, enhancing guidance and training for peer reviewers, and fostering mutual learning through collaborations like the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA).

Several projects, including GraspOSPathOSOPUS and SciLake, have been identified by the Commission as key contributors to research assessment reform.  In this regard, the Commission has stated it will continue the mapping of research and innovation projects and coordination and support actions which contribute to the reform; identify how these projects contribute to CoARA and provide recommendations; and identify new research and innovation actions which are needed to advance the reform...."


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Date tagged:

05/17/2024, 09:45

Date published:

05/17/2024, 05:45