Implementing international metadata standards and requirements in Thoth: an update · Copim

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-05-22


"From its inception, Thoth has been conceived as an open dissemination system, with the dedicated aim to enable transparent access to information on metadata formats and the larger context of the scholarly book production lifecycle. Alongside building the actual Thoth platform, our team has focused on making the underlying research into open standards and infrastructures accessible to a wider range of users, including small, scholar-led, and university publishers that would otherwise have difficulty finding this information...."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.metadata oa.standards oa.thoth oa.books oa.infrastructure oa.platforms oa.academic_led oa.wikis

Date tagged:

05/22/2024, 08:41

Date published:

05/22/2024, 04:41