Research Study on E-Book Publishing - Ithaka S+R

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-05-22


"The landscape of scholarly monograph publishing has become increasingly complex, with some business models straddling digital and print realms and others guided by the principles of open access. While the transition towards e-books has prompted numerous publishers to establish proprietary platforms for hosting their content, distribution and aggregation services remain pivotal within this ecosystem. Despite this increasingly multi-faceted landscape, there is a notable scarcity of comparative analysis regarding the costs and benefits of emerging models in the publishing landscape. Likewise, there has been no comprehensive study that considers the broader academic ecosystem in which publishing and distribution models operate...."


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Tags: oa.books oa.publishers oa.ithaka oa.costs oa.economics_of oa.comparisons

Date tagged:

05/22/2024, 09:05

Date published:

05/22/2024, 05:05