Better together: BTAA Libraries, CDL, and Lyrasis commit to strengthen Diamond Open Access in the United States - Office of Scholarly Communication

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-05-22


"Representatives from the Big Ten Academic Alliance Libraries (BTAA Libraries), California Digital Library (CDL), and Lyrasis attended the Global Summit on Diamond Open Access in Toluca, Mexico in October 2023. The Summit convened the international community to engage in dialog about how to advance Diamond Open Access (OA) to secure scholarly research as a public good and ensure equitable access to both the publishing and reading of that research. You can learn more from the recently released Report of the 2nd Diamond Open Access Conference.

The Summit made evident the substantial global commitment to Diamond OA. If the United States is to be a strong participant in this important global movement, it is our observation that collaborative action is needed to develop this model at a national scale within the US as an equitable, robust, and values-driven pathway to open access. We acknowledge the deep commitment to Diamond OA already exemplified by the activities of the library publishing and repository communities in the US, and we seek to build on this commitment, strengthening the Diamond OA pathway by committing to working together and making our shared resources go further.

The BTAA Libraries, CDL, and Lyrasis already partner in a host of related areas including collective funding programs for Diamond OA initiatives, increased adoption of persistent identifiers, and support for robust OA infrastructure services that enhance discovery and access. The Global Summit has inspired us to go further together – to pool our efforts and combine our strengths to help realize the potential of Diamond OA as a critically important pathway toward open scholarship. We see this work as a necessary companion to other substantial commitments and investments that our organizations are already making to transform the scholarly publishing landscape and increase access to the results of scholarly research...."



05/22/2024, 09:16

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Tags: oa.uc.cdl oa.btaa oa.lyrasis oa.usa oa.libraries

Date tagged:

05/22/2024, 13:16

Date published:

04/18/2024, 09:16