Member Spotlight: Florida State University's Open Scholars Project and Advancing Open Science Through Communities of Practice

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-06-12


"The Open Scholars Project (OSP) is a community of practice for researchers and practitioners who are curious about open access publishing, open science, and FAIR data at Florida State University (FSU), the Tallahassee area, and beyond, initiated by FSU librarians. The goal of this community is to connect researchers and scholars from all disciplines and provide a supportive space to learn from each other, engage in candid discussions, and apply open principles to research practices. In this blog post, we review the group's history, its accomplishments, and explore how OSP integrated Open Science Framework (OSF) into our endeavors, further advancing the open science movement...."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.florida_state.u oa.open_science oa.communities oa.osf oa.open_syllabus

Date tagged:

06/12/2024, 10:17

Date published:

06/12/2024, 06:17