ARL Comments on Social Security Administration’s Plan for Increasing Public Access to Results of Federally Funded Research - Association of Research Libraries

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-06-12


"Rights and Reuse—The SSA plan states that, “Researchers must ensure that the final publication is permitted to be available in an SSA-designated repository.” We recommend final publications, research data, and other published outputs carry full reuse rights, such as those provided by a CC BY 4.0 International License or its functional equivalent, not just the right for the publication, data, or other output to be made available in the repository. Full public reuse enables broad secondary analysis, allowing others to build on the original work, extend research findings, and apply innovative methodologies, including text and data mining, AI deployment, and other computational technologies...."


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Tags: oa.usa oa.funders oa.policies oa.policies.funders oa.ostp oa.arl oa.ssa oa.reuse oa.licensing oa.repositories oa.funders

Date tagged:

06/12/2024, 14:04

Date published:

06/12/2024, 10:04