Stanford Digital Repository Operations Manager, Digital Library Systems and Services, Stanford University Libraries

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-02-18


"The Stanford Digital Repository (SDR) Operations Manager is responsible for ensuring operational excellence across the processes, policies and technologies necessary to ensure successful and trusted management and preservation of digital content over time. Stanford University Libraries' (SUL) SDR manages hundreds of terabytes of assets, and is extending services to include data stewardship of all formats of scholarly information, deposited and reused by an increasing array of depositors both within and beyond Stanford University. As the SDR services and content base expand dramatically, the SDR Operations Manager will play a pivotal role in codifying SDR operations as a trustworthy digital repository, operating at scale, that meets the needs of the University for a secure, sustainable store of authentic, digital information. ..."


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Date tagged:

02/18/2013, 19:35

Date published:

02/18/2013, 14:35