Emerging Themes and Priority Areas for the Repository Community: Outcomes of the COAR Meetings – COAR

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-06-18


"The overarching topic of this year’s meeting was “anticipating the repository of the future”. COAR’s vision has always been that the real power of a repository lies in its ability to participate in a larger network which can provide seamless access to content across a distributed ecosystem and offer other value added services. Over the last two decades we have seen this vision steadily come to fruition with open access content increasingly being integrated, interlinked, and reused for a wide range of purposes. With this as the backdrop, several important themes emerged from the presentations and discussions at the COAR meeting this year:..."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


oa.new oa.coar oa.repositories oa.no-fee oa.trust oa.preprints oa.ai oa.dei oa.monopoly oa.occ oa.climate oa.versions

Date tagged:

06/18/2024, 10:19

Date published:

06/18/2024, 06:19