Next Generation Repositories: Behaviours and Technical Recommendations of the COAR Next Generation Repositories Working Group (2017)

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-06-19


"This is a new version of the original report published in 2017 with correct authorship and properly formatted pdf.

In April 2016, COAR launched the Next Generation Repositories Working Group to identify the core functionalities for the next generation of repositories, as well as the architectures and technologies required to implement them. This report presents the results of work by this group over a 1.5 year period. The report describes 11 behaviours for the next generation of repositories, as well as the recommended technologies, standards and protocols that repository platforms need to incorporate in order to support these behaviours."



06/19/2024, 07:55

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Date tagged:

06/19/2024, 11:55

Date published:

11/28/2017, 06:55