A Correlation Investigation among ResearchGate Metrics of Science Faculties at Central Universities of North-East India through Altmetrics Approach | Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-07-12


Abstract:  This paper investigates the correlation of ResearchGate among the faculties of sciences in the central universities of North-East India using Altmetrics approaches. As more innovation is seen and the discipline is in its early stages, the Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology is the primary study area. The study focuses primarily on faculty activities on the ResearchGate platform, which include frequency of publications, citations, research interest, number of followers and followings, and various publication formats. It has also sparked interest in determining the relationships between different ResearchGate metrics. According to the study, most faculties have good citation scores and an average number of publications. The survey analysis reveals a lack of awareness, concentration, and dedication to the development of the disciplines. The result of the investigation shall serve as a pathway for various future goals for self-improvement.




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Date tagged:

07/12/2024, 10:27

Date published:

07/12/2024, 06:27