Open Access Faculty Toolkit

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-07-12


Abstract:  The Open Access Faculty Toolkit is a resource for faculties at Utrecht University and Utrecht University Medical Center seeking to implement and develop their own open access and multi-channel publication strategies from 2024 onward. It aligns with the Open access policy & strategy - Utrecht University Library - Utrecht University ( and considers the priorities and budgets of individual faculties and departments.

The Open Access Faculty Toolkit compiles the publication knowledge of the Publishing Support Department at Utrecht University Library. It provides an overview of long-form publications (such as books, including monographs, textbooks, and edited volumes) and short-form publications (such as articles, including research papers, conference papers, and single contributions and chapters in edited volumes, encyclopaedias, and anthologies). Each publication route is explained in detail along with a list of pros and cons. Additionally, each route includes a faculty checklist and a description of the services provided by the Publishing Department of the University Library in support of the faculties.

Given the dynamic nature of the open access landscape, the library plans to update the Toolkit regularly. Feedback is welcomed and can be sent to and


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07/12/2024, 15:22

Date published:

07/12/2024, 11:21