The return of piracy - net.wars

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-07-13


"This is the moment when lessons from the past of music, TV, and video piracy could be useful. Critics always said that the only workable answer to piracy is legal, affordable services, and they were right, as shown by Pandora, Spotify, Netflix, which launched its paid streaming service in 2007, and so many others....

As against this, consider pirate sites: they have the most comprehensive libraries; there are no ads; you can use the full-featured player of your choice; no one other than you can delete them; and they are free. Logically, piracy should be going back up, and at least one study suggests it is. If only they paid creators….

The lesson: publishers may live to regret attacking the Internet Archive rather than finding ways to work with it – after all, it sends representatives to court hearings and obeys rulings; if so ordered, they might even pay authors. In 20 years, no one’s managed to sink The Pirate Bay; there’ll be no killing the shadow libraries either, especially since my sampling finds that the Internet Archive’s uncorrected scans are often the worst copies to read. Why let the pirate sites be the one to offer the best services?"


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.copyright oa.z-library oa.annas_archive oa.litigation oa.internet_archive oa.books oa.metadata oa.cdl oa.sci-hub oa.guerrilla

Date tagged:

07/13/2024, 10:34

Date published:

07/13/2024, 06:34