Six years of high-resolution climatic data collected along an elevation gradient in the Italian Alps | Scientific Data

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-07-14


"The complex meso- and microclimatic heterogeneity inherent to mountainous regions, driven by both topographic and biotic factors, and the lack of observations, poses significant challenges to using climate models to predict and understand impacts at various scales. We present here a six-year dataset (2017–2022) of continuous climatic measurements collected at five elevations from 983 m to 2705 m above sea level in the Val Mazia - Matschertal valley in the Italian Alps. The measurements include the air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, solar radiation, soil properties, precipitation, and snow height. Collected within the European Long-Term Ecological Research program (LTER), this dataset is freely available in an open access repository."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.climate oa.repositories oa.geo oa.italy

Date tagged:

07/14/2024, 12:51

Date published:

07/14/2024, 08:51