Italian Ministry of Culture's new decree opens the door for scientific publications

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-07-23


"In Italy, the use of images of cultural heritage in the Public Domain is still subject to heated debate. This blog post provides an update on the situation, presenting a recently adopted ministerial decree, which facilitates the use of such images in scientific publications. While the decree is a step in the right direction, it is not a complete turnaround. In many parts, it still reflects an antiquated, highly bureaucratic approach that values control over Open Access.

Particularly the Ministry of Culture still favours a system of prior authorisation and monetisation of reproductions of cultural heritage works not just for commercial uses. The Chairman of the Standing Advisory Committee on Copyright pro-tempore, an advisory body to the Italian Ministry of Culture, for instance, has publicly expressed misgivings about unrestricted free reuse for fear of losing control over image uses...."


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Date tagged:

07/23/2024, 11:34

Date published:

07/23/2024, 07:34