Open Consultation: Crafting a vision for European Repositories

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-07-23


"In January 2023, OpenAIRE, LIBER, SPARC Europe, and COAR unveiled a joint strategy to strengthen the European repository network. This aim is to further strengthen the open science landscape in Europe by reinforcing and enhancing repositories across Europe by emphasizing their value, spreading best practices, and supporting the establishment of national networks....

Based on these findings, it was agreed to prepare a position paper outlining our collective vision for the future of repositories in Europe. To achieve this, we are seeking input from various communities to gather insights and feedback. This open consultation is specifically designed to collect input from a variety of stakeholder communities, and your participation is vital. 

We can't do it alone—we need YOUR insights and feedback to shape this vision.



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Tags: oa.consultations oa.europe oa.repositories oa.openaire oa.liber oa.sparc_europe oa.coar

Date tagged:

07/23/2024, 11:51

Date published:

07/23/2024, 07:51