Call for Early Career Researcher to Join the Center for Open Science Board of Directors

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-07-25


"COS pursues this mission by building communities around open science practices, supporting metascience research, and developing and maintaining free, open source software tools, including the Open Science Framework (OSF). COS’s Board of Directors comprises multi-stakeholder representation across research and technology communities to support its strategy of connecting and coordinating change across the research system. Practicing scholars are a central stakeholder in COS’s mission. Furthermore, Early Career Researchers (ECRs) often serve as catalytic innovators and early adopters of open science practices.

COS and its Board of Directors seek an ECR to join the Board for a 3-year term (renewable for one additional 3-year term). This individual would help COS identify and navigate opportunities to support other ECRs, faculty mentors, related staff, and researchers amidst a changing research landscape. For the purposes of this appointment, an ECR is defined as someone in a role with a primary function of doing research or advancing scholarship and who is within ten (10) years of earning their PhD, or is presently pursuing their PhD.

Details about the role and responsibilities of a COS Board member; candidate profile and qualifications; and the application and selection process are outlined below...."


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Date tagged:

07/25/2024, 15:18

Date published:

07/25/2024, 11:18