Democratizing Knowledge or Closing Gates? A Critical Examination of Article-Processing Charges | SpringerLink
peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-08-06
Abstract: This chapter addresses the challenges of article-processing charges (APCs) in open-access (OA) publishing, with a focus on the impact on researchers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). While OA aims to make research universally accessible, APCs have introduced financial barriers, especially for LMIC researchers, undermining the democratizing intent of OA. The chapter explores various OA models, the role of APCs in journal operations, and the rise of predatory journals. It highlights the link between APCs, journal impact, and perceived research quality and critiques the effectiveness of APC waivers. Concluding with proposed solutions, the chapter advocates for a more equitable academic publishing landscape, emphasizing the need for collaboration to maintain the integrity of OA.