Springer Nature in open access books deal with Qatar National Library | Research Information

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-08-06


"Springer Nature has extended its partnership with Qatar National Library to deliver the Middle East’s first Open Access (OA) book agreement. The deal strengthens the partners’ shared OA vision to increase access to research and advance knowledge, following on from a joint Transformative Agreement in 2019

The new agreement enables authors affiliated with any institute of higher education or non-profit research institute within Qatar to receive funding for book processing charges (BPC) when publishing their book OA with Springer Nature. It marks the eighth OA book agreement for the publisher and its fourth institutional OA book agreement. With OA books being downloaded ten times more often, and cited 2.4 times more than non-OA books, this agreement signals a key step towards enabling researchers from participating institutions to reach a wider audience. The agreement covers all Springer Nature book imprints and will run for three years...."



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Date tagged:

08/06/2024, 14:24

Date published:

08/06/2024, 10:24