Public Knowledge Project — International Open Access Week

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-09-21


"“The concept of communities is central to the work of scholarship, and it's central to the work of PKP.”

“We have many different ways of conceiving of community. It’s not one community—it's many different communities that intersect with one another. We're an academic-led project that serves the scholarly community, and have always done so with the support of the library community, in addition to the software developers who contribute code that make the software available. PKP would not exist without the communities of editors, authors, readers, developers, and supporters who make up the PKP Community.”

“Community is central to the work that we do—just like it is central to the work of scholarship more broadly. Communities are at the heart of how research is done, how we build on each other's work, and how we come together to formulate ideas and come up with solutions to advance our thinking. Building knowledge happens in communities.”

“This concept of community over commercialization comes into play in how we make our software available so that communities around the world can make their voices and ideas heard—regardless of whether those ideas can be packaged into a profitable product to be sold in the market.”

“Open access should never just be about making the research available. We should retain loftier aspirations for open access that include both making all research accessible as well as ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to participate in sharing knowledge.” ..."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.oa_week oa.pkp oa.floss oa.infrastructure

Date tagged:

09/21/2024, 11:55

Date published:

09/21/2024, 07:55