Roles of Libraries in Open Science
peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-10-14
From Google's English: Abstract: Purpose: To review the importance of open science for libraries in the context of the broader open movement, with international perspectives and examples from national, higher education, and public libraries.
Methodology/approach: A qualitative synthesis of recent literature and online resources is presented.
Results: Special attention is paid to the need for open library infrastructures, support for citizen science, communication of open science and libraries as demonstrators of open technologies. The authors suggest that libraries are well placed to support and promote the open science movement, but the practical issues of policies and resources, as well as the philosophical aspects of openness, must be considered.
Limitations of the study: The literature review is selective rather than comprehensive, and most of the material comes from Europe and North America.
Originality/Applicability of the Research: The review is intended to support librarians in thinking realistically about the opportunities offered by the open science movement.