Head of Research Data Management

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-10-25


"Are you interested in advocating for and supporting excellence in research data management across the University of Oxford? Are you confident in working across departments and divisions of a complex organisation, and working with a range of senior colleagues to develop and deliver excellent services to researchers? Then the role of Head of Research Data Management at the Bodleian Libraries could be for you!

This role provides strategic leadership in the delivery of specialist systems and services which support research data management across the University. The post is based in the Open Scholarship Support department of the Bodleian Libraries, which provides a central point for advocacy and strategy in the areas of open access, open scholarship, research data management, copyright and licensing, and digital preservation. Open Scholarship Support is a small and dynamic team which supports hybrid working patterns.
Building on the outcomes of recent reviews of Research Data Management at the University, you will have responsibility for setting the direction of the University’s data repository - as part of the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) - and for shaping the service, to meet user needs in a sustainable way.
You will play a key role in the implementation of nascent funder policies as they relate to research data requirements. A confident strategist and communicator, you will also be working with researchers to shape and support the rapidly evolving areas of open data and reproducible research.
Reporting to the Head of Open Scholarship Support, you will actively engage and lead staff in cross-Bodleian and University matrix teams. You will have an understanding of the HEI and academic publications landscape, both within the UK and globally. You will also be educated to postgraduate level, with a track record of strategy and policy development, and the ability to develop strong collaborative relationships with academic and professional staff...."



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Date tagged:

10/25/2024, 13:32

Date published:

10/25/2024, 09:32