Local Data Repository Infrastructure Matters - Duke Libraries Center for Data and Visualization Sciences

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-11-01


"Over the past seven years, the Duke University Libraries Research Data Curation Program and the Duke Research Data Repository (RDR) have developed into essential resources for the Duke research community. What began as a “proof of concept” turned into a robust, well-used data publishing service meeting both publisher and funder requirements and furthering Duke’s commitment to a “culture of open science and open scholarship to ensure transparency and accountability in research.”

The Duke Research Data Repository (RDR) has published over 310 datasets in a myriad of scientific disciplines including chemistrybiologybiomedical engineeringmarine science, and medicine. Additionally, the RDR hosts datasets associated with articles published in PLOS, Nature, and PNAS and funded by NIH and NSF, their multiple sub-agencies and institutes, and others. The RDR provides a DOI for all datasets, and commits to long-term access and retention of data and curates all data based on the Data Curation Network (DCN) CURATED model.  As members of the renowned Data Curation Network (DCN), we leverage the expertise of a multi-institutional consortium that shares expertise to increase the quality of data curation across all DCN affiliated repositories.  The Duke Libraries are proud to be able to offer this local resource that supports the needs of Duke researchers who are not sufficiently served by disciplinary, data type or funder-based resources. In addition to providing the platform, we also provide front-line services for data management planning, data curation, disclosure risk review and referrals ...."



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Date tagged:

11/01/2024, 10:03

Date published:

11/01/2024, 06:03