Statement on Rights Retention for Authors | University of Dundee, UK

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-12-03


"Traditionally, academic publication models have required authors to grant publishers an exclusive right to publish their work. This transfer of copyright means authors retain limited or no rights concerning where, when, and how their research can be shared. To align with the principles and practices of Open Research, as detailed in our Statement on Open Research and in our Open Research Policy, the University of Dundee encourages all staff and students when publishing the results of their research to adopt the practice of applying a Rights Retention Statement to the manuscripts they submit for publication. In doing so, authors are engaging with a process which facilitates the potential for wider dissemination and communication of research, thereby also increasing the potential for collaborations, engagement, reuse, and impact, whilst also ensuring that our academic community comply with our funders’ requirements.  

Rights retention can be defined as the practice of authors retaining sufficient intellectual property rights to make their author-accepted manuscripts (AAM) available without embargo and under an open licence, preferably a Creative Common Attribution (CC BY) licence, through an institutional repository.  ..."



12/03/2024, 08:45

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Date tagged:

12/03/2024, 13:45

Date published:

05/01/2023, 09:45