Open access through DEAL agreement, wide distribution through PubMed listing and tips for submission

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-12-08


From Google's English:  "Since 2020, there has been the option of publishing freely submitted scientific papers – primarily original papers and case studies – in Die Anaesthesiologie open access via the DEAL project [ 2 ] , without the authors having to finance this themselves. The DEAL project is an agreement between German scientific organizations and selected publishers and aims to facilitate access to publisher content and promote open access publishing. The corresponding author’s affiliation with a participating institution is automatically recognized in the production process. Please refer to the table of participating institutions (QR code, Fig.  1 ) to find out whether your institution is participating in the DEAL contract."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.germany oa.german oa.projekt_deal oa.pubmed oa.recommendations oa.medicine

Date tagged:

12/08/2024, 09:35

Date published:

12/08/2024, 04:35