SOAS Intellectual PropertyPolicy

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-12-12


See Paragraphs 23 and 24: "SOAS [School of Oriental and African Studies] shall have a perpetual, irrevocable, non‐exclusive, royalty‐free, worldwide licence to: i) Use research produced by Members of Staff and Visitors in the course of their SOAS employment or engagement for its own research, teaching and administrative purposes (including providing copies to government, regulatory and quality assurance bodies, and similar agencies); ii) Use academic research commercially, on its own or in conjunction with other partners; and iii) Sub‐license the use of research to other partners for commercial purposes or non‐ commercial research, teaching and administrative purposes. 24. Upon acceptance for publication of scholarly works, each Member of Staff or Visitor agrees to grant SOAS a perpetual, non‐exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide licence to make manuscripts of their scholarly works publicly available under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence, or a more permissive licence. A copy of the accepted manuscript should be provided to SOAS by depositing it in SOAS Research Online. Members of Staff and Visitors will, when providing the electronic copy of the accepted manuscript, notify SOAS if any rights or permissions needed to make third party or co-authored content in a work publicly available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY NC) licence have not been secured. SOAS will consider requests to terminate or modify licences on a case-by-case basis."



12/12/2024, 09:37

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12/12/2024, 14:37

Date published:

10/23/2023, 10:37