Spletni seminar: DIAMAS zbirka orodij in smernic za diamantni odprti dostop (DOA) - Slovenska skupnost odprte znanosti
peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-12-16
From Google's English: "The DIAMAS project will host the third webinar in its series of trainings for libraries on Friday, January 24, 2025, at 11:00 AM. The event will focus on the DIAMAS Toolkit and Guidelines for the Diamond Open Access (DΟΑ) Toolkit and Resources and the Diamond Open Access Standard (DOAS).
The DIAMAS Toolkit, which was launched in October 2024, includes a set of high-level articles, in-depth guidelines, and links to self-assessment tools, training materials, and other resources. The guidelines provide detailed instructions and practical guidance to help DOA publishers meet the standards outlined in the DOAS."