Neurology® Open Access: Welcoming a New Member of the Neurology® Family of Journals | Neurology
peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-01-12
"Neurology® was the first American journal devoted exclusively to clinical neurology. It began as a bimonthly publication, and its first issue, published in January 1951....
In addition, to meet the needs of different academic and clinical communities, the American Academy of Neurology has launched other journals, and the Neurology® family now includes 4 “spoke” journals, Neurology® Clinical Practice (NCP), Neurology® Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation, Neurology® Genetics, and Neurology® Education, each with a well-defined scope and targeted to a specific audience. Neurology® and NCP are hybrid journals and publish content online and in print; the others are online-only, fully open access journals. Yet, there is still a need for a trusted venue for high-quality research studies that because of scope or space constraints cannot be published in the existing Neurology® family of journals. Ideally, this venue should be in an open access format that complies with funder mandates, aligns with researcher preference, and is convenient for readers to freely access from anywhere in the world. To meet this need, we are launching Neurology® Open Access (NOA)...."