Lancaster University Library launches open access journal hosting service - Research Information

peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-01-21


"Lancaster University Library has launched a service to host open access journals managed by Lancaster University’s academic community.

Lancaster University Open Journals is a free platform that supports a variety of publication types including peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, and other publications.

The library says it developed the service to make it possible and easy for colleagues who wish to develop scholar-led open access journals to host their publications and manage their journal workflows on the platform for free. The service removes the need for colleagues to pay annual subscription fees (usually between £1200 to £1500) for hosting services and ensures their long-term preservation without the need to continuously find sources of funding.

The service uses Open Journal Systems (OJS) software, an open-source platform developed by the Public Knowledge Project. OJS is the world’s most widely used end-to-end scholarly publishing platform. The platform allows journal editors to manage the entire publishing workflow from submission to online publication on a single platform. Articles and issues published on the platform can be indexed in global discovery services such as Google Scholar, Crossref, and DOAJ...."


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Date tagged:

01/21/2025, 14:41

Date published:

01/21/2025, 09:41