Principles of Evaluative Bibliometrics in a DORA/CoARA Context

peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-01-21


"The central thesis of this book argues that the theoretical-practical framework we seek has always been present; it just requires updating. We refer to evaluative bibliometrics, a proposal that, as will be detailed, took shape during the 1980s. This branch of bibliometrics offers us the necessary tools to integrate harmoniously with new evaluative systems without one invalidating the other. Evaluative bibliometrics has an integrative and collaborative essence that could broaden the conversation by incorporating different voices and highlighting the valuable contributions that experts can make to the field. To do this, it is vital to challenge the negationist trend towards bibliometrics, rescuing and recognizing the work of academics who are being unjustifiably sidelined. In fact, a careful examination of the works of pioneers in the field shows that many of the current principles had already been articulated and debated previously.

Our perception is that effective communication of advances in our field has been insufficient, and the conclusion is that we also need to improve the transfer of our proposals to the professional environment. It is crucial to rediscover and value the classical contributions in bibliometrics...."



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01/21/2025, 15:25

Date published:

01/21/2025, 10:25