Understanding how and why users might use NHS repositories: A mixed methods study - Holland - Health Information & Libraries Journal - Wiley Online Library

peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-01-29


Abstract:  Background

There is little evidence on the use or potential use of NHS repositories within the UK.


A mixed methods (quantitative/qualitative) study of two repositories: amber—the home of ambulance service research, and East Midlands Evidence Repository (EMER). A structured online questionnaire was distributed via the repository home page, and promoted via social media, email networks, and lists. Next, three research leaders were interviewed in person online (see Appendix S1, supporting information). Transcripts of the recorded interviews were summarised using ChatGPT 3.5.


From the 148 questionnaire responses, 38% of respondents had used an NHS repository. Librarian activities were key to encouraging repository use (that is, searching and depositing materials). ResearchGate was the most widely used alternative. Perceived benefits of using repositories included open access to materials, and knowledge sharing with colleagues. Users generally did not know the deposit process, and over 50% of respondents were unaware of Green Open Access.


Building greater awareness, and institutional support is key to increasing repository usage. Marketing activities and educating researchers about the benefits of engaging with the repository are fundamental.


NHS librarians need to market NHS repositories using principles of knowledge management and ensure that the grey literature of research and evaluation reports in repositories is better used.



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Date tagged:

01/29/2025, 13:53

Date published:

01/29/2025, 08:54