Exploring CERN's Innovative Approach to Open Science | StartMotionMedi

peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-02-04


"Welcome to the dazzling world of particle physics—a domain where minuscule particles whirl about like they're hyped on espresso and where understanding often feels as elusive as catching mist in San Francisco. Yet, changes are afoot! At the helm is CERN, the iconic European particle-physics laboratory based in Geneva, Switzerland. Their mission? To launch a transformative initiative in collaboration with 11 particle-physics journals, blending science with transparency by using financial incentives to push academic publishers toward open science."




02/04/2025, 02:33

From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Hanna_S's bookmarks


oa.new oa.open_science oa.cern oa.physics oa.scoap3 oa.publishers oa.business_models

Date tagged:

02/04/2025, 07:33

Date published:

02/03/2025, 02:33