Data Rescue Project

peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-02-12


"The Data Rescue Project is a coordinated effort among a group of data organizations, including IASSISTRDAP, and members of the Data Curation Network. Our goal is to serve as a clearinghouse for data rescue-related efforts and data access points for public US governmental data that are currently at risk. We want to know what is happening in the community so that we can coordinate focus. Efforts include: data gathering, data curation and cleaning, data cataloging, and providing sustained access and distribution of data assets...."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.usa oa.trump47 oa.negative oa.preservation oa.censorship oa.takedowns oa.iassist oa.rdap oa.dcn oa.volunteers oa.crowd oa.dynamic

Date tagged:

02/12/2025, 14:33

Date published:

02/12/2025, 09:33