[Open letter from scientific societies to Congress]

peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-03-03


"We, the undersigned professional scientific socieƟes, associations, and organizations, are writing to ask you to take immediate action to protect and restore life-saving and essential scientific research that benefits American families and communities. This scientific research is funded by American taxpayers and authorized by Congress and cannot be unilaterally halted by the executive branch.

The nonpartisan organizations signing this letter collectively represent more than 99,000 chemists, geologists, economists, ecologists, engineers, geographers, marine biologists, sociologists, oceanographers, historians of science, and educators. We represent not only professional scientists but also technologists, assistants, administrative, service, and custodial staff, without whom scientific research and programs would not be possible. We work in all 50 states, Washington, DC, and US territories to lay the foundation for life-saving medical discoveries, clean air and water in our communities, safe and abundant food, healthy ecosystems and wildlife, and thriving local innovation economies...."



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Date tagged:

03/03/2025, 11:59

Date published:

03/03/2025, 06:59