An ENOEL Toolkit: Open Education Benefits. Version 6

peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-03-04


"Welcome to the latest version of the Open Education Benefits Toolkit! It is a set of tools (slides, leaflets, and cards for social media) you are invited to use and adapt to advocate for Open Education.

We also created playing cards and multiple gameplays to support brainstorming and workshop activities. They are available in English, but feel free to use other local language versions of the Toolkit to adapt to your local needs! Everything is in editable format, designed with reusers in mind, with low technical skills required to adapt. So, please reuse!

These resources have been prepared by The European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL).

The ENOEL Toolkit as a whole aims to help raise awareness of the importance of Open Education. It points out the benefits of Open Education adoption for students, teachers, institutions, society and librarians.

Starting with version 4, we added the Benefits for Librarians and updated the Benefits for Students.

We updated the References and added anecdotal evidence collected from our librarians about benefits that they have experienced but that have not yet been analysed in any research paper, to our knowledge. If you are aware of research that has dealt with the experiences in our librarians’ anecdotal evidence, please reach out to us."


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Tags: oa.benefits oa.enoel oa.advocacy oa.librarians oa.europe

Date tagged:

03/04/2025, 11:15

Date published:

03/04/2025, 06:15