(Non-)retracted academic papers in OpenAlex

peter.suber's bookmarks 2025-03-13


Abstract:  The proliferation of scholarly publications underscores the necessity for reliable tools to navigate scientific literature. OpenAlex, an emerging platform amalgamating data from diverse academic sources, holds promise in meeting these evolving demands. Nonetheless, our investigation uncovered a flaw in OpenAlex’s portrayal of publication status, particularly concerning retractions. Despite accurate metadata sourced from Crossref database, OpenAlex consolidated this information into a single Boolean field, ‘is_retracted’, leading to misclassifications of papers. This challenge not only impacts OpenAlex users but also extends to users of other academic resources integrating the OpenAlex API. The issue affects data provided by OpenAlex in the period between 22 December 2023 and 19 March 2024. Anyone using data from this period should urgently check it and replace it if necessary.




From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


oa.new oa.openalex oa.retractions oa.negative

Date tagged:

03/13/2025, 10:14

Date published:

03/13/2025, 06:14