NeuroDojo: Will AAAS get burned in the (scholarly) kitchen?

peter.suber's bookmarks 2014-08-07


"At every turn, Anderson had advocated positions that favour the interests of publishers over either the needs of working scientists or the general public. It’s okay to have a point of view. It’s okay to defend publishers (I do it myself sometimes.) But it seems odd to put Anderson, for-profit publisher booster, in charge of the publishing arm of not-for-profit, member-driven scientific society, particularly at a time when the society is launching open access journals. Anderson has a reputation, and it’s not of someone who is interested in innovative publishing. Anderson’s appointment is not a good move, public relations wise, for AAAS. But it will give other publishers an opportunity to contrast their positions with those espoused by Anderson. What publishers will support giving researchers and readers valuable tools that they want? I once thought that Science magazine was rife for takeover by its members to become an open access journal. Anderson’s appointment seems like an open access takeover is exactly what AAAS fears, and they want someone to dig a moat and man the barricades...."


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Date tagged:

08/07/2014, 06:56

Date published:

08/07/2014, 11:22