Call for Papers: Innovation through Open Data |
peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-03-28
"The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research is planning a special issue on Innovation through Open Data. The opening of data has been hailed for its innovative capacity and transformative power. Over the last years, many politicians, companies, scientists, and citizen communities have paid considerable attention to the demand of opening data of both public and private organizations. An important event in this context was the release of the EU Public Sector Information (PSI) directive in 2003, in which a common legislative framework was presented, which regulates making data of public sector bodies available for re-use[1]. In 2009, the Obama Administration stated that its primary goal was the establishment of an unprecedented level of openness of the Government[2] and published an Open Government Directive some months afterwards[3]. Building on former policies, the European Commission has recently presented an Open Data Strategy for Europe, in which more evident rules on making the best use of government-held information are presented[4]. In 2012, the Obama Administration published the Digital Government Strategy, which aims to 1) enable the American people to access high-quality digital government information and services anywhere, anytime, on any device; 2) seize the opportunity to procure and manage devices, applications, and data in smart, secure and affordable ways; and 3) unlock the power of government data to spur innovation and improve the quality of services for the American people[5]...."